"Actually, I play in a few bands, and every one is special in its own way. Besides the fact that ALMAH is the most famous one among them and it has an opportunity to travel more playing live, the band is about to release a new album! It’s always a challenge and as usual it’s a very special feeling of this cold in the stomach when you have no idea what comes next. I’m very happy that the band is back on stage and I’m looking forward to the moment when everyone will hear the work that we’ve recorded. All of us are really excited with the final result.
At the end of July we played the first live shows after a big break. We spent more than a year without playing live on stage but even the first rehearsal showed good sound and great team work. It’s interesting, especially taking into account all the conditions.... Moreover, some song parts sounded even more natural and it was easier to play them. Of course, we have very good musicians in the band, but the songs, especially from Fragile Equality album, have very high technical level. And I believe, no one expected that it would be so easy to come back to live activities! I’m convinced that with more time and more rehersals for the upcoming Motion Tour ALMAH will sound so great on stage as never before!
I was really excited with the recent shows in the city of Fortaleza, I know this public very good because I’ve already played there 6 times (also with my other band – Khallice). But not only the feelling of this great audience or of coming back with Almah made this trip so special… We received the master of our new album Motion exactly when we were staying there, and we've listened to the ready master with the new material for the first time while on the road. We made our new photo session during the tour as well, because the band members live in different cities and we took the most from this opportunity of staying all together.
Actually, everything in this tour went on very well. Almah is a funny band with a good sense of humour. To stay close to these guys always means that a lot of fun is guaranteed! Especially with Paulo and Moreira which have a natural way to be funny. It’s impossible to spend even one day without laughing a lot. And of course, I couldn’t miss the opporutinity to go to the beach with some friends ‘cos my home city is in 1000km from the nearest seashore...
Well, I hope to visit as many places as possible with the future Motion Tour to present our new work live and to have fun playing this stuff! I’m totally sure that this CD will kick ass and let’s see what happens next!"
The extensive Onstage and Offstage Photo Gallehttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifry from this trip is available at THIS LOCATION.
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Thank yyou for this
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